Our buses can take you and your group to lots of other places besides the airport. You know how sometimes you get on the bus going to the airport and you think to yourself, “I don’t want to go to Chicago to visit the site of my new Presidential Library”, or, “I don’t want to go to Boston and chase Kyrie Irving up and down the court all night”. Because what you really want to do is get together with 50 of your closest friends and go to San Francisco to see a show! Or maybe go up to Rohnert Park to support indigenous peoples quest for economic development. Well, we are here to help.
Marin Airporter Charter & Tours can provide you with comfortable, safe, friendly, courteous, reliable, clean, cheerful, thrifty, reverent transportation to just about anywhere you would like to go.
Does the high school team have a game in Livermore? (Does the idea of driving teenagers to Livermore in the car you just had detailed make you break out in hives?) Not us! It’s what we do! Office Christmas party? Fun! Celebration! Liability nightmare! Charter a bus and the legal department can sleep soundly knowing everyone will get home safe.
School field trips! Sporting events! Weddings! Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts camping trips! Casinos! You name it. If you can get there in a bus, we’ll take you.
Call our office at 415-256-8830 and let us know how we can help you with your group transportation needs. Or just call to chat. Writing blog posts is lonely work.